November 08, 2015 at 11:00am
John Ireland
· 213/840-3593

12:00 pm - Pot Luck Meal & POP Swap
We meet at 11am for our New Member Orientation. This is a support-style group for gay dads and prospective dads to share their experiences forming families. Always a mix of current and future parents, this is a great way to get answers to your questions about fostering, adoption, surrogacy and co-parenting. Much of the conversation is about logistics--from agencies, attorneys, and doctors to play groups, pre-schools, and pediatricians. The payoff is when repeat visitors to this group come with their new arrivals--the children they have worked so hard to get.
At Noon, we will have a Pot Luck Meal. Please bring an entree dish for six (6) people. No desserts, please.
We will also host a POP Swap, a chance for you to bring gently used clothes, toys and other baby/child items you wish to pass along to other Pop Luck Club dads. You can also take some useful items home, as well, if they fit your kid(s)/lifestyle! All unclaimed items will be donated to Out of the Closet and/or a local foster care agency.
No need to RSVP, but it helps us to plan. If you wish to volunteer to set-up or clean-up, let us know, too. We look forward to having you there!