1611 Highland Av Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90028
United States
Google map and directions
This June 11 (Sunday), the Christopher Street West Pride Parade is merging with the #RESIST March, which will look a lot more like the Women’s March in January. It lasts from approximately 8:00-11:00 am and runs from Hollywood Blvd & Highland Ave to Santa Monica Blvd and Robertson Blvd., followed by a rally and scheduled speakers.
When polled, Pop Luck Club members expressed a wide range of responses. Here is a sampling of the feedback:
- “We have to resist. If not for this, then what? I want to show my daughter how protest matters.”
- “We don't believe that LGTBQ rights should be conflated with political movements: LGTBQ rights are a matter of equality, decency, and human dignity - not politics. We should not confuse the general public by implying otherwise.”
- “I like that it's more political. It means a lot more.”
- “I do not think PLC should take any political stances, it is not what our mission statement is.”
- “Perhaps we will march again next year when it's not so turbulent.”
- “This does not bring us the audience that we want, and our presence might even reduce the effectiveness of the #RESIST movement.”
- “Having infants, I don't feel comfortable being in a large crowd with them.”
- “Times are so extraordinary that I am supportive of almost every effort to bring down this administration.”
- “I'm somewhat ambivalent about Pride being assimilated into the #RESIST movement. I think the option of having both should have been considered. “
- "Due to the early start time, I most likely will join at some point along the route with my husband and our two kids."
- “As it's a march, we wonder if Pop Luck families need to be all in a group to have impact. Perhaps we can simply wear our t-shirts from previous years and pop into the march as works for each of our families. That way we're there, and visible, but have more flexibility for what sounds like a not-geared for children event.”
- “Many LGBTQ people have values that may not align entirely with RESIST values. Those that were here before us who paved the way for gay rights should continue to be celebrated in a positive, celebratory light, not in a political light that often turns negative and invites violence. The two events should be kept separate.”
- “I am more inclined to join this year than ever and think it is very, very important Pop Luck make our presence known!!”
On the start time (8:00 am vs. 11:00 am):
- 52% had little (20) to no (32) concern
- 15% had some concern
- 34% had significant (27) to extreme (7) concern
On the distance (3 mi vs. 1 mi):
- 54% had little (18) to no (36) concern
- 23% had some concern
- 23% had significant (13) to extreme (10) concern
On the duration (3 hrs vs. 1 hr):
- 47% had little (8) to no (39) concern
- 19% had some concern
- 34% had significant (16) to extreme (18) concern
That the route is unlikely to be contained/lined with barricades:
- 59% had little (17) to no (42) concern
- 19% had some concern
- 22% had significant (14) to extreme (8) concern
On mixing political with celebratory:
- 58% had little (11) to no (47) concern
- 13% had some concern
- 29% had significant (11) to extreme (18) concern
In all, seven (7) dads and six (6) children indicate they plan to march with Pop Luck Club. In addition, 20 dads and 21 children are undecided.
We do not want to alienate members who feel PLC should not take a political stance. At the same time, many of our members feel it is important to participate as gay dads and to model civic involvement for their children.
Instead of carrying a PLC banner, we will march with a rainbow flag and a “Gay Dads for Equality” banner. Members are welcome to wear PLC t-shirts, solid primary color shirts, like in previous Pride parades. Join us northwest of the intersection of Highland and Selma Av (in front of Hollywood High School’s alumni mural featuring Judy Garland) at 7:30 am on Sunday morning. You are welcome to go part or all the way with the group to the terminus near West Hollywood Park. Check out the proposed march route HERE.
Please RSVP on this page, so we can be looking out for you!
It would be wise to investigate public transit options and even to purchase TAP cards in advance, as kiosks at metro stations will be swamped.
As always, thank you for your feedback on this event and for being engaged with Pop Luck Club!