February 2019 Meeting - Los Angeles

February 10, 2019 at 11:00am
West Hollywood-Contact PLC for location
west hollywood, CA
United States
Google map and directions
John Ireland · · 213/840-3593
11:00 am - New Member Orientation
12:15 pm - Pot Luck Meal
haringbabyup.jpgWe meet at 11am for our New Member Orientation. This is a support-style group for gay dads and prospective dads to share their experiences forming families. Always a mix of current and future parents, this is a great way to get answers to your questions about fostering, adoption, surrogacy and co-parenting. Much of the conversation is about logistics--from agencies, attorneys, and doctors to play groups, pre-schools, and pediatricians. The payoff is when repeat visitors to this group come with their new arrivals--the children they have worked so hard to get.


At 12:15 pm, we will have a Pot Luck Meal. Please bring an entree dish for six (6) people. No desserts, please.


No need to RSVP, but it helps us to plan. If you wish to volunteer to set-up or clean-up, let us know, too. We look forward to having you there!

Will you come?